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Kundli is also known as Janam Kundali, Janampatri and Teva. Kundali is created on the basis of the exact birth date, time and place of an individual to know the positions of the various planets at the time of one's birth.
It is difficult for the common man to understand Kundli. Generally, only Proficient Astrologer creates and reads Kundli and let one's know what it says! But, we are here to change the trend. With our instant Kundli maker, you can easily read your Kundli and enrich your life with accurate Kundli prediction
Usually, it is created at the time of birth to know an individual’s personality, potential and future.
Kundli is divided into 12 houses and each house in a Kundli represents a certain aspect related to life and the placement of the planets in these houses indicate possibilities of events which only Vidhwan Pandit or Highly Proficient Astrologer can predict.
Creating Kundli is important because it plays a bigger role in your life; knowing your good and bad times can guide you to take various important decisions in your life. You can also improve certain situations by taking certain precautions; at times you can decrease the intensity of many problems by performing certain astrological remedies. In Indian tradition, it is compulsory to match Kundli of the prospect before fixing the marriage to know if they are compatible with each other by checking 36 gunas.
Kundli indicates your nature, finances, career, health, relationships, lucky (planets, days, colors, numbers) and your strengths and weaknesses. So if you want to make the most of your life; creating kundli and getting the predictions from best astrologers is necessary.
Just enter your exact birth time, date and location into Kundali form and it will create your precise Kundli with detailed predictions which can help you to manage your life in the best way.
Try our other Free horoscope compatibility reports . All these reports are uniquely different to check compatibility.
The Moon, Sun and Ascendant are the tripod of a Kundli or Birth Chart. A through analysis of all these three reveals true potential of a horoscope.
Moon sign is used to understand the one’s emotions and inner feelings.
It’s said that Surya Rashi is the best way to describe one's personality traits. Why don’t you give it a try.
This reports helps you know yourself better. It’s all about your strengths and weaknesses.