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Effects of Jupiter Transit in Aquarius 2025

Jupiter is an auspicious planet which bless the individual with knowledge and wisdom. Jupiter in Vedic astrology has a great significance, It is also a significator of fortune, wealth, fame, luck, devotion, faith, spirituality, charity, morality, meditation.

Aquarius is the most generous astrological sign. These ground-breaking philosophers passionately support power to the people, ambitious to change the world through fundamental social growth. Aquarians are generally rebellious at heart: This sign hate guidance from others and anything that represents conformism.

Jupiter in Aquarius sign, which is the sign of Saturn may reduce the effects and energy of Jupiter. Jupiter in Aquarius makes one very learned, intellectual and accommodating. Finance part may not be very strong but in terms knowledge and wisdom you are fortunate. You are a justice lover and respect all cast, colour and creed without any discrimination. At time you are very humble and patient. You solve any thing or others problem in a way which is really commendable. You may be introvert and don’t want to share your feeling much with others. You have your own ideas and thought process and never want to give it a second thought or influence from other’s ideas.

As Jupiter enters Aquarius, one tends to attracts the best fortune, becomes more tolerant and fairer, innovative, and cooperative. From 6th 2021 Jupiter enters in Aquarius, the visions for a new future will be visible both personally and globally. This period of Jupiter transiting is considered very good and it acts like a time of enlightenment, discovery of great things, Knowledge & understanding (particularly in the streams related to science and technology, global communication and internet). During this time there is a strong wish to improve things, have more individualism, freedom, and equality, and part along with feelings like dissatisfaction with and opposition to conservative attitudes, and old structures that prevent such development.

This time is likely to see a drive in the people who see things differently, who are eager to see the change, who want reorganization, who are willing to experiment with something out of the ordinary, all in an expedition for a new and better life. However, this sudden surge for change can result in protests and rebellions, but a much greater sense of vision, for what can be, uplifts and energies, to give faith in the future and the belief in miraculous change.

With Jupiter entering in Aquarius, one will attract the best fortune when as we become more tolerant, and fair, inventive, impartial, and cooperative. Still, as progressive as Aquarius is, it’s also a Fixed sign, and there can be some inflexibility or rigidity with this position, which we’ll explore. As the Jupiter is expanding in this fixed sign it will for sure award all the natives of this zodiac an ability to think in a unique way.

As Jupiter will enter in Aquarius, this period will see gains from foreign sources, also this transition will allow people to expand their horizon. Many zodiac signs during this period will observe an increase in their finances, and will also see a change in their relationship prospects. This is the transit of reform and improvement overall globally or personal level.

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