Retrograde Planets in 2025 with Date and Time

You can get complete information about which planet will be retrograde this year and in which zodiac along with the date and time here. All the calculations to get the planetary positions are done using sidereal astrology.

Retrograde Planets in 2021

Motion From To
Retrogarde -- --
Motion From To
Retrogarde 30.01.2021 09:21:31 PM 21.02.2021 06:21:16 AM
Direct 21.02.2021 06:21:16 AM 30.05.2021 04:03:25 AM
Retrogarde 30.01.2021 09:21:31 PM 23.06.2021 03:31:22 AM
Direct 23.06.2021 03:31:22 AM 27.09.2021 10:37:35 AM
Retrogarde 27.09.2021 10:37:35 AM 18.10.2021 08:45:26 PM
Direct 18.10.2021 08:45:26 PM --
Retrogarde 20.06.2021 08:25:30 PM 18.10.2021 10:53:50 AM
Direct 18.10.2021 10:53:50 AM --
Motion From To
Retrogarde R 19.12.2021 04:06:40 PM 22:24 --
Direct -- R 19.12.2021 04:06:40 PM 22:24
Retrogarde 23.05.2021 02:47:51 PM 23:22 11.10.2021 09:15:59 AM 07:20
Direct 11.10.2021 09:15:59 AM 07:20 --

What is a retrograde planet?

In Vedic astrology retrograde planets are those planets which appear to move backwards, which is apparent motion is due to eath’s orbit. These are more close to earth. Rahu-Ketu, the two lunar nodes have continuous retrograde motion.

Retrograde planets may give unexpected or sudden results both good or bad. These planets in Retrograde motion produces different effects as per the planets placement in an individual chart.

In a lay man language we can say that retrograde planets are those which are appear to move backwards in the sky. However, speaking in an astrological manner we can say that in vedic astrology we calculate everything by taking earth as the reference point.

As we know that in our solar system the planets revolve around the sun at different speed, and even the earth is doing the same. So, if we take a certain time when they come in a position at the orbit that they appear to be going backwards from the earth, this is called the retrograde motion of a planet. Another name for this concept in the Vedic astrology is Vakri Graha.

It is observed that on an average we all experience at least one planet in the retrograde for about 80% of the time. One can easily identify his/her retrograded planets by observing their chart, often the retrograded planets are marked star on the name of planet or simply by “R” sign. In some of the charts it is also mentioned and highlighted with the help of () sign also. Example- If in a person’s chart Saturn is a retrograded planet then it will be indicated as “Sat(R) or by Sat (Rx), so simply by just getting a glance of one’s chart it can be noticed that which planets are retrograded in their chart. Retrograde planets are treated as one of the most difficult parameters to judge in a person’s horoscope, as they tend to give often unexpected results which can be both good or bad. In a retrograde motion a planet comes more closer to the sun, so their effect can be felt more. If can say that the results during a retrograde motion can be a bit difficult to interpret as planets tend to react to events differently in comparison to the person having the same dasa but the planets are in direct motion. Many astrologers often say that though the result of a dasa may not be of much difference but the significance of the same in a retrograde motion suffers a lot.

It is believed that during a retrograde motion the energy of a planet is not allowed to flow normally and the house which is occupied by the retrograde planets will not be functioning at its best. Understanding all this in easy terms we can say that a retrograde planet does not deny, by they do play a role in delaying things related to the planet which is in retrograde motion. It can be said that when a person is having a lot of retrograde planets in his/her horoscope then they will have to put in a lot of efforts in order to gain success whereas if a speak about a person who is not having any retrograde planets in his/her horoscope for them any work will be like a straight line, a simple route to success. Amongst the 9 planets not all planets retrograde, for example we have Sun and Moon who never turn retrograde. However, the North Node and the South Nodes are said to be in a retrograde motion always. It is also believed that a true Node is usually retrograde.

Vedic Astrology

The Moon, Sun and Ascendant are the tripod of a Kundli or Birth Chart. A through analysis of all these three reveals true potential of a horoscope.

Moon Sign Prediction

Moon sign is used to understand the one’s emotions and inner feelings.

Surya Rashi Analysis

It’s said that Surya Rashi is the best way to describe one's personality traits. Why don’t you give it a try.

Ascendant Characteristics

This reports helps you know yourself better. It’s all about your strengths and weaknesses.