Birth Star Prediction
Birth Star Prediction

Birth star characteristics and personality traits analysis

This page offers free analysis of birth star characteristics and personality traits. You can also get Janma Nakshatra predictions for marriage, love, career etc.

Importance of Birth Nakshatra

In astrology, the Nakshtra of Moon has been given great importance. Not only is the lunar constellation seen to analyse personality traits, but it is also very helpful in making accurate future predictions. You can easily understand the importance of birth constellation, that in Hinduism, all newborn children are named after the Nakshatra or birth star of Moon. The birth constellation is the easiest and accurate way to know the personality traits or qualities of any person. With this, one can gather a lot of information about the marriage, health, career, financial status etc. of the perosn.

Nakshatra - Birth Star - Analysis
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Vedic Astrology

The Moon, Sun and Ascendant are the tripod of a Kundli or Birth Chart. A through analysis of all these three reveals true potential of a horoscope.

Moon Sign Prediction

Moon sign is used to understand the one’s emotions and inner feelings.

Birth Star Calculator

This web-based astrology tool let you calculate your birth star accurately and instantly.

Ascendant Characteristics

This reports helps you know yourself better. It’s all about your strengths and weaknesses.