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Effects of Rahu Ketu Transit in 2025

Rahu-Ketu are shadowy planet and their transit is an important transit in vedic astrology also known as transit of nodes (Rahu-Ketu). This transit take place in every 18 months. According to Vedic astrology, they are snakes that create a significant impact on the lives of human being.

Rahu and Ketu are, benefic, in transit in the same houses as that of the Sun. Rahu effect on 12 houses during transit : Rahu is 1st house gives sickness, 2nd house- loss of wealth, 3rd house- happiness, 4th house – sorrow, 5th house – financial loss, 6th house- happiness, 7th house- loss, 8th house- danger to life or loss of happiness, 9th house – loss, 10th house – gains, 11th house – happiness and 12th house – expenditure.

Rahu Ketu are malefic planets and produce benefic results in four houses only which are called ‘Pu-Chaya- houses (3rd, 6th, 10th & 11th houses). It indicates steady and gradual growth.

Current Rahu Ketu Transit 2020 – 2022: In the current period started from 23rd Sep 2020 Rahu is in transit through Taurus till 12th April 2022, and it is in exalted position therefore it brings positive results most of the time. When Rahu is in earthy sign like Taurus, it brings sense of responsibility and maturity and also brings stability in life. This transit may also bless the native with materialistic pleasure. This is the period when you may get name, fame and wealth, it is also capable to give power and success.

When Rahu is in Taurus, Ketu will be in Scorpio, a watery and fixed sign of secrets, mysteries, and transformation. During this transit, the native may possess a straightforward or harsh speech and could be selfish at times, negative thinking may possess you during this transit.

When Ketu is in Scorpio, it has the capability to get exalted and becomes contented in expressing spiritual secrets and understanding the inner meaning behind spiritualism. This helps make use of knowledge accumulated over the years to make your life better.

This transit is not considered good for those who are undergoing a bad or malefic dasha, as it may result in unnecessary expenditures, hurdles in income or gains, harsh speech and negative thinking. These people may have conflicts with family or friends which may give rise to unhappiness and misunderstanding.

During this transit some of you may get stuck in criticism or a scandal as this period may give loss of concrete assets or some property related issues may occur. There may be unnecessary and useless travels that may result unwanted waste of time and money.

During this transit inclination towards higher learning and spirituality may be strong and you would pursue such studies with dedicated efforts. There may be lack of focus especially in students that may harm their routine and divert their attention away from their goal. There maybe a change of place or workplace which can be favourable or unfavourable.

For the native working in professions related to banking, arts, food, speaking, etc then they will get ample opportunities during this transit to portray their skills. This is a time in which people can feel health problems relating our throat, lungs, breath, etc.

Children born during this transit may grow up to be of a very short tempered, unnecessarily emotional, and might not have a deep and strong bonding with their family.

This transit may also have its impact on the global front, wherein the economies may face numerous problems and may become unstable with reduced levels of their growth. In addition to this there will also be drastic social impacts worldwide as there will be a situation of distress and crime all across the world. The governments across the countries would have to struggle hard to contain all this adverse conditions prevalent and would incur unprecedented amounts of wealth on such unwanted issues which may be a great waste and loss of wealth.

Vedic Astrology

The Moon, Sun and Ascendant are the tripod of a Kundli or Birth Chart. A through analysis of all these three reveals true potential of a horoscope.

Moon Sign Prediction

Moon sign is used to understand the one’s emotions and inner feelings.

Surya Rashi Analysis

It’s said that Surya Rashi is the best way to describe one's personality traits. Why don’t you give it a try.

Ascendant Characteristics

This reports helps you know yourself better. It’s all about your strengths and weaknesses.