Here you get current planetary positions based on Western Astrology or Tropical Zodiac. The planetary position shown on this webpage is accurate, and reliable.
21 Dec 2024 at 19:18:40 (5.5)
Planetary Positions (Tropical Zodiac) | |||
Planets | Signs | Degrees | Speed |
Sun | Capricorn | 00° 11' 23" | 1.0182715 |
Moon | Virgo | 15° 24' 07" | 12.0717085 |
Mars R | Leo | 04° 42' 35" | -0.2012401 |
Mercury | Sagittarius | 08° 42' 35" | 0.7399000 |
Jupiter R | Gemini | 14° 26' 11" | -0.1261815 |
Venus | Aquarius | 16° 17' 11" | 1.1160457 |
Saturn | Pisces | 13° 48' 45" | 0.0606194 |
Rahu R | Aries | 02° 06' 06" | -0.0186402 |
Neptune | Pisces | 27° 11' 05" | 0.0078448 |
Pluto | Aquarius | 00° 45' 19" | 0.0285697 |
Uranus R | Taurus | 23° 55' 37" | -0.0312160 |
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