Birth Chart Calculator to get Free Onine Horoscope Reading

This online birth chart reading includes detailed interpretation of planets in all different signs, houses and also deals efficiently with planetary aspects, their blending and discordance.

Birth Chart Calculator
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What is Birth Chart?

Natal chart is personalized version of zodiac for a native. Planetary combinations stored at the moment of birth holds a great impact on a person for a lifetime. These planets decode the physical and psychic personality of a native.

Natal Chart, often known as kundli or horoscope is the compilation of astrological houses, signs, Nakshatra and planets. Astrologer can predict upcoming events of life through planetary combinations of the natal chart.

It is the route map for all the yogas, Doshas, divisional charts, Dashas which affects native’s life in every manner. It reveals the secrets of past life karmas and their impact on the native’s life. It is the perfect guide to decide the path, a native should select to achieve optimum success in their lives or protect a person from viciousness of fateful events.

A scholar of astrology can suggest you remedies to overcome results inevitable karmas to lead a prosperous life.

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